
Standard Functions

Version comparison

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Version comparison : V.16.0

Machining Functions

3D Equi-Pitch Machining

Contour Z Spiral Machining

Spiral motion type of Projection Machining

Contour Corner R addition motion of Contour-Projection machining

Machining Support

Advanced Function of High Accuracy Time Prediction

FF/SIM option

Selection of More than One CL Data File at FF/SIM Start

Serial execution of Simulation

Faster processing speed simulation

3D Equi-Pitch Machining

Close mode

Make a equally tool path fit on the geometry that was based on setting one group of closed curves.
Spiral and Follow motion can be specified.

Add 3D Equi-Pitch Machining-Close

A geometry is machined by regular inward/outward motion.
Especially useful for large mold machining.

Open mode

Based on the guide open curves, make a equally tool path fit on the geometry.

Add 3D Equi-Pitch Machining-Open

Easily create a tool path of equally spaced on a curved surface.

Contour Z Spiral Machining

Make a spiral tool path based on the tool path of contour machining.
It also can be used to make a contour motion in contour projection machining.

Add 3D Equi-Pitch Machining-Open

Optimized for high-precision machining.
Especially effective for small mold machining like lens or electrodes.

Spiral motion type of Projection Machining

Make a tool path of projection machining by spiral motion.
It also can be used to make a projection motion in contour projection machining.

By simple motion without pick feed, can be efficient machining.

Contour Corner R addition motion of Contour-Projection machining

Add to the Contour Corner R motion on Contour-Projection machining.

Corner Rounding Motion in Contour Projection Machining

Able to obtain smooth machining motion at semi-Finish Machining.

Advanced Function of High Accuracy Time Prediction

It has been advanced and can be used with the latest machines, the Super GI mode, and the canned cycle machining (drilling).

It supports almost all Makino machine tool.
Prediction accuracy of machining time was improved.

FF/SIM Option Only

Selection of More than One CL Data File at FF/SIM Start

More than one CL data file can be selected when FF/SIM is started through FFAUT.

Corner Rounding Motion in Contour Projection Machining

FF/SIM Option Only

Serial execution of Simulation

Execute automatically simulation of multiple in serial order.

Corner Rounding Motion in Contour Projection Machining

Can be used time effectively because operator do not need to set during executing the simulation in the CAM.

FF/SIM Option Only

Faster processing speed simulation

The "High Speed" mode has been added to "Open Simulation List" & "Undo One Step".
By saved the simulation in the process, it can reduce the loading time.